Shipping and Deliveries

Shipping Time:

  • Our goal is to have your order processed within 1-3 business days. Usually takes 3-7 business days for shipping. 
  • We try to get order shipped as fast as possible while still upholding to our standard of quality.
  • Due to certain circumstances out of our control shipping times may vary.

Delivered but not received:

If you contacted your shipping provider and they were unable to find your package, please contact our customer support team so we can help you further.


  • Once the order is processed and scanned you will receive an email with your tracking number.
  • When the carrier receives your package and scans it the tracking info will be updated. (Please allow 24 hours)
  • If you do not receive an email with tracking, please contact Customer Support directly.

Address Correction:

If you need an address correction please contact Customer Support.

Orders was sent back to us:

Orders that have an undeliverable address will be sent back to us. If we receive your order back we will contact you for an address update.

Once the order is reshipped out you will receive a new tracking number.